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Manage Assets, Liabilities, Regulatory & Operational Reporting with Ease

For any NBFC as the business grows, monitoring AUMs and Liabilities can become challenging in absence of a consolidated view of the overall investments and borrowing ecosystem. Finvisage provides a comprehensive system that can help increase sticky sources of liabilities through tighter governance around covenant management, timely loan repayments and compliance management.

Gain upto 100 bps improvement in margins from tighter asset-liability matching

Components of NBFC Balance Sheet
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Key Product Modules & Features

Record, manage and report across the liability portfolio from loan facilities to NCDs. Manage your EIR calculations. Manage PTC DA across the lifecycle from loan asset pool creation, investor management to collection management. Manage your investment portfolio across a wide range from corporate bonds, mutual funds and fixed deposits.

As an NBFC you may have investments in both listed instruments as well as engage in Repo / Reverse Repo trades. Managing the various instruments like mutual funds, Masala bonds, corporate bonds can create an unwanted level of complexity for you. Our investment module is specifically aimed at NBFCs and Financial sector companies to manage your investments in a systematic manner as an investor. This includes a comprehensive set of instruments and ensure all knock-on requirements are met.

Ingest cash flows from various systemic and manual sources, opening balances from bank accounts to produce future cash flows in the desired reporting format across group and entity levels to slice-dice, compare with actuals and run scenarios for effective planning

Key Benefits

Automate Regulatory & Compliance Reporting

Eliminate key-man risk and error prone data by automating and organising your borrowings, assets and other important data necessary for reporting.

Gain Transparency & Drive Business Growth

Analyse business unit profitability and enable strategic growth for organisation

Streamline borrowings to broaden the sources of funding

Boost investor confidence and open new avenues for fundraising and business development

Frequently Asked Questions

How can Finvisage support growing NBFCs?

For any NBFC as the business grows, monitoring AUMs and Liabilities can become challenging in absence of a consolidated view of the overall borrowing ecosystem. With our liability management system, you can get a complete view of all AUMs and liabilities and can also generate automated reports to manage regulatory compliances

What kind of efficiency can I expect if I use Finvisage Liability Management module?

At Finvisage, we have been able to help our clients strengthen the core business operations, provide transparency and increase the businesses agility and adaptability in the fast changing environment that has resulted in enhanced returns by up to 100 bps for a typical NBFC.

How can you help manage regulatory compliances?

NBFCs periodically file several compliance reports to the RBI covering asset-liability management, inflows/outflows, interest rate sensitivity etc. Key reports such as Statutory liquidity, interest rate sensitivity and short term dynamic liquidity take several days for finance teams to generate manually. The same can be automated using our systems to save time, increase productivity, get better accuracy and allow the teams to focus on growth oriented activities.

