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Harness the power of a highly scalable SaaS based risk management platform

Leverages technology with artificial and business intelligence to maximise growth opportunities, protect against loss from fraud and financial risks, and reduce costs through advanced automation. 

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Key Product Modules & Features

Structure hedges and setup hedging strategy based on your board policy with extensive derivatives coverage across Vanilla, European options & Exotics and extensive asset coverages including Forex, Commodities & Currencies

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Built in pricing library for forwards, options, option strategies & exotics and covers FX, commodity & interest rate asset classes. All models are calibrated with market data and verified against other pricing tools to give you the most accurate tool to independently price derivatives for structuring and planning exercises and leverage information to gain favourable positions in negotiations with counterparties

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Record and Monitor Exposures with ease using customisable exposure modules to define and set up exposure types based on your requirements. Record exposures across projects, link cash flows from hedge actions and generate reports capturing desired KPIs. Access all this information on a single dashboard and monitor under or over hedge status based on your board policy on a monthly basis

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Your Hedge Portfolio

Maintain a full audit history of your hedges for reference and reporting. Run scenario and sensitivity analysis on portfolios and save reports for strategic decision making. Make better hedging decisions with system calculated MTM valuations. 

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CBM makes it easy for you to request quotes from multiple counterparties across various derivative types. With this module you can maintain a history of chats and negotiations across counterparties, analyse counterparties for better rates, margins etc by derivative types, etc. and get better value using data to drive negotiations and cost savings.

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Gain 100% visibility into your FX & IR rate risks

Quantify FX & Rate risks. Gain visibility on market risks and transparency on hedge cost and counterparty margins

  • Derisk the finance department from key man risk
  • Strong negotiating power with your counterparties
  • Cost savings on manpower
  • Technology can scale up as the business grows
Finvisage Financial Risk Management Dashboard
finvisage products

Market Risk Collateral Optimization

  • Consolidate FX, rates exposures from multiple sources
  • Structure the right hedge using our market leading derivatives pricer. We can provide the market data as well or link your market data feed to the pricer
  • Covers forwards, futures, options, swaps and exotic structures
  • Monitor key metrics like risk coverage ratio, portfolio stress test, hedge performance measurement
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Frequently Unanswered Questions

What's my portfolio like? Am I leaving money on the table?

We consolidate FX rates, exposures and hedges from multiple sources into one consumable dashboard so you have clarity on your costs, counterparty margins and potential profitability. We also help you maintain a full audit history of your portfolio for referencing at any time so you can take a well-informed decision. In our experience most organisations can gain or save more than 50 bps per transaction with our FRM solution.

Will I be breaching my limits with banks?

We help you record and monitor all exposures across multiple projects like software agreements or singular contracts like raw material purchase etc. A consolidated dashboard gives you clear visibility of your organisation’s portfolios and actions based on your board policies. This allows you to manage your risks and ensure that any over hedges are well-managed and there’s no risk left unhedged.

Every derivative portfolio will be different, how can I plan for risks?

We monitor Mark to market data across portfolios. The system automatically calculates mark-to-market valuations for better hedging decisions so you don’t have to. As a treasurer you can also run scenarios and sensitivity analyses on portfolios and save reports to present to the CFO.

